Trümmerfrauenkrüge – Jugs of Desire – Cocktails of Pain

Trümmerfrauenkrüge – Jugs of Desire – Cocktails of Pain

Friday, July 1st, 2022
As a part of the project Restless Monuments curated by Bettina Klein, Kasia Fudakowski presents new ceramic works which will be activated by images, stories and liquids.

Responding to Katharina Szelinski-Singer's Trümmerfrau-Denkmal in Volkspark Hasenheide and comparing it to Fritz Cremer‘s Aufbauhelferin in front of the Rotes Rathaus, the resulting work highlights the discrepancies between the mythologies embodied in these two monuments.  

In this evening event, hosted by ChertLüdde Bookshop, six ceramic jugs created by Fudakowski with assistance from ceramicist Cordula Falk, will be put to illustrative use. Drawing on research by the historian Dr. Leonie Treber in her book ‘Mythos Trümmerfrauen’, the event explores the idea of the Trümmerfrau figure as a vessel, continually filled and emptied with different, conflicting political ideologies and compares it to the equally varied history-of-use of the traditional type of stoneware jug known as a Bartmannskrug. The event will contain readings in English and German and multiple pourings. 


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